

全球Xpress (GX) forms part of our high-speed global, mobile Ka-band network.
High-speed, global connectivity for 航空, maritime, 政府, and enterprise

Viasat’s high-speed Ka-band mobile, global broadband network is continually evolving to offer even more 能力, 功能, and operational agility for customers now and well into the future.


Our award-winning 全球Xpress services deliver the high 带宽 and reliability 政府, shipping and 航空 customers around the world demand. The GX network is currently served by a fleet of six satellites, with an additional five GX communication payloads expected to join the constellation.


CGI rendition of a GX1-4 satellite

The GX1-3 satellites represented a giant leap forward in high-speed global, mobile broadband connectivity when the network achieved commercial service introduction in 2015. 加上GX4, the satellites provide high throughput services for maritime, 航空, 政府, and enterprise markets worldwide. 

  • GX1-4 were launched between 2013-2017 
  • Each satellite features 8 steerable spot beams and secure wideband mil-Ka beams


CGI rendition of GX5 in orbit above Earth

Constructed by Thales Alenia 空间, GX5 was launched in 2019 and delivers more 能力 than the entire GX1-GX4 fleet combined. The Very High Throughput Satellite (VHTS) was designed to meet the growing demand for coverage across 欧洲 and the 中东, for 航空 in-flight Wi-Fi, and commercial maritime services.


CGI rendition of the GX6A satellite

The advanced Ka-band payloads on our sixth-generation Inmarsat-6 satellites adds further depth to 全球Xpress coverage, with targeted spotbeams that can deliver greater 能力 when and where there is increased demand.

  • 2021年推出
  • The hybrid satellite features a Ka-band and L-band communications payload
  • 20 Ka-band spot beams can be directed to meet passenger demand in real-time to provide coverage over the Indian Ocean

GX7, 8 & 9

CGI rendition of the GX7, 8 & 9号卫星

The next generation of 全球Xpress satellites, built by 空气bus 国防 and 空间, represents a step change in the evolution of GX 功能, 能力, 和敏捷性. The satellites are designed to use our current terminals and are expected to provide a massive boost in performance for our existing customers.

  • Each satellite is expected to provide twice the total 能力 of the entire current GX1-5 network
  • Based on 空气bus new Onesat product, they are designed to be the first software-defined GEO satellites with the capability to deliver 1,000s of independent beams of different sizes, 带宽, 实时供电 

GX10A & 10B

Physical map of North Pole, Arctic Ocean and Greenland, with high resolution details. Satellite view of Planet Earth. 3D illustration (Blender software), elements of this image furnished by NASA (http://eoimages.戈达德宇航中心.美国国家航空航天局.gov/images/imagerecords/147000/147190/eo_base_2020_clean_3600x1800.png)

The GX10A and 10B multi-beam, high-throughput communication payloads are designed to operate in Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO), and are expected to extend Viasat’s high-speed global network across the Arctic to answer growing customer demand in the region.


Our GX Arctic expansion is being delivered in partnership with 空间 Norway and its subsidiary 空间 Norway HEOSAT as part of the Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission. The satellites carrying the GX payloads are built by Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems. 一旦投入使用, they are expected to provide the world’s first commercial broadband network dedicated to the Arctic and are designed to be compatible with current and future GX terminals.